VIP Animal Reading & Video/Phone Call


VIP Animal Reading & Video/Phone Call


Dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, and more! An Animal Communication reading can bring clarity and comfort, it can be fascinating, funny, helpful, insightful, and deeply moving. Claire will connect with your animal friend, and ask them your questions to find out how they are feeling and what they are thinking.

This reading is 4 - 5 Questions, or no questions at all, and whatever else comes up! Either way, your animal friend will share what they want you to know.

You will be sent an Audio recording of your reading.

Afterwards, you will have a follow-up video or phone call with Claire to discuss what came up in the reading.

Clients often say they feel much closer to their animal companions after a reading with Claire Rad.

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3-4 pages typed up and sent to you via email. then a follow-up video chat or phone call to go over your reading and answer any questions.