
There are many ways to meditate. Start with your intention. How would you like to feel?


Mindfulness is awareness. Becoming more aware of ourselves on mental, physical and emotional levels without judgement, is a healthy way to help us improve our experience of life. Mindful practice helps us become more aware of relationship dynamics, our thought processes, our beliefs, and what is really important versus what we thought was really important! A regular Mindfulness practice offers many potential benefits including reduced stress, feeling more in control, enabling us to respond rather than react, strenthening our immune systems, and helping us to enjoy life on a deeper level. I highly recommend it. Meet me online! Starter Packages from US$85, click here for more info.


I record short meditations suited to your needs and wants. Guided meditation topics include dealing with Sleep, Anxiety, Stress, Healing after surgery, Confidence, Self Love, Self Esteem and more. Suitable for adults and children. US$20 per custom recording up to 10 minutes play time. Makes a meaningful gift for yourself, or for a friend or family member. Contact me to discuss your specific requests.


I work with all ages from 6 years and up. Contact me if you would like to discuss setting up an online group (Or when safe to do so, having me visit your Houston-based school, workplace or Independent Living center).