The question I get asked most often is ‘How do you connect with pets, and how do you do that remotely?”

We are all energetic beings and we are all connected. Over the years I have developed my sensitivities and abilities through study and practice. I love the feeling of connecting on more subtle levels. When I get a good connection, the feeling is calm and pure. In that ‘zone’ I am able to chat with your pet, do remote body scans, offer Animal Reikiand other types of energetic healing, and ask the questions you are desperately wanting answers to.

WHY? An Animal Communication session can help you deepen your relationship with your special pet. You can ask them questions. Are they content? Are they sad? Are they in pain? Do they like their food, bed, toys? How do they feel about their pet companions and their human families? I offer remote body scans that pick up any discomfort and areas that might need further investigation by a licenced veterinarian. Pets also benefit from Animal Reiki and energy healing that can be sent remotely to promote healing and soothe your pet.

END OF LIFE This is probably the biggest question I ask your beloved pets. I am able to connect with your sick or elderly pet and ask them if they feel it is time for them to go. Sometimes they are ready to cross the rainbow bridge, other times they tell me they wish to stay at little longer. Sometimes they’ll make it clear they’re not going anywhere anytime soon! It is truly an honor for me to receive these messages and relay them to you. These readings give your pet an opportunity to tell their owner how they’re feeling. If they are ready to go, they are usually able to express their last wishes giving you the chance to care for them in the best possible way. In my experience this type of reading brings much comfort at a difficult and often heart-breaking time for pet owners.

EMERGENCY READINGS & HEALING WORK Most animal communication results are with you within 5-7 days of making the appointment. But, there are times when you just can’t wait and want help right away. I’m here for you. Emergency work results are often same day, excluding some weekends. Perhaps your animal has begun acting strangely. There may be physical issues. They may seem especially upset or anxious. For this type of reading or healing, put ‘Emergency’ in the title of your email or private message. Please note, a $25 upcharge applies.

Claire is a warm and intuitive person. I highly recommend her services.
— Jane S. England