Animal Communication - 1 Pet

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Animal Communication - 1 Pet


Cats, dogs, guinea pigs, horses, and more! An Animal Communication reading can bring clarity and comfort, it can be fascinating, funny, sweet, and deeply moving. Claire will connect with your animal friend, ask them your questions to find out how they are feeling and what they are thinking.

This reading is 4 - 5 Questions, or no questions at all! Either way, your animal friend will share what they want you to know.

Your reading will be recorded and an Audio file sent to you so that you can hear the reading as it happened! The reading can be typed up and emailed for an additional charge.

Want to add a follow-up video or phone call? Book the VIP Reading!

Clients often say they feel much closer to their animal companions after a reading with Claire Rad.

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Remote Animal Communication reading for your pet. Let me connect and ask them anything you would like to know. Results will be typed up and emailed to you, usually within 3-5 business days.